Reasons Being An “Escort” Is Unbearable

20 Most Unbearable Things About Being An Escort

20. Worrying that a client will refuse to pay or try to rob you.

19. Feeling guilty for sleeping with another woman’s husband or boyfriend.

18. Terror of catching an STD, particularly one that cannot be cured such as HIV.

17. Having to perform humilating tasks such as allowing guys to cum on your face or licking someone’s ass.

16. Being forced into doing things you normally would not be willing to do, such as anal sex, by men who do not understand the word ‘no’.

15. Having to move around to avoid detection.

14. Competing with other girls for who has the best prices or the hottest body.

13. Knowing you are forever branded and irreparably damaged by the job you are doing.

12. Trying to figure out how to make a committed relationship work while sleeping with other guys for cash.

11. Feeling self conscious about how clients view your body, your room, and your overall demeanor.

10. Constantly having people try to coax you into allowing them to exploit you and pimp you, to make money for them

9. Wasting time on customers who never even show up or come by at all

8. Getting lectured about all the poor decisions you are making

7. Not having a reliable, stable job- if things are slow one day, you’re just out of luck.

6. Feeling you deserve all the abuse and hurt that comes to you

5. Wanting to leave your mind for as long as possible, hating reality.

4. The unshakable thought that everyone who looks at you automatically knows the truth.

3. Being forced to lie constantly to cover yourself and stay out of trouble.

2. Paranoia, the extremely legitamate worry that you’ll be arrested and forced to spend time in jail, or worse, prison.

1. The way society, your family, and your friends judge you, look down on you, and make you feel like you are not worth a damn thing. Which, you know in your heart, you probably aren’t.